500 Days of Summer, Aug 12th, 2009

Boy meets girl, Boy falls in love. Girl Doesn’t.

To celebrate the upcoming release of the entertaining and highly anticipated alternative romantic comedy ‘500 Days of Summer’, which hits cinemas on 4th September, Fox Searchlight and Meddlers of Honour are inviting you to fall in love this summer - with a little Meddling help from us!

If just like Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) you are bit of a hopeless romantic, but too shy to make the first move, we’ll help you find your dream girl like Summer (Zooey Deshcanel).

On Wednesday 12th August, this month’s very special one off Meddlers of Honour party, ‘the party where every single person gets hooked up’ is not only giving you the chance to fall in love this summer (or at worst actually chat to someone you fancy) but is also giving you the chance to see 500 Days of Summer for free beforehand!

Date: Wednesday 12th August
Time: Screening doors open at 6pm, starts at 6.30, singletons party from 8pm until late.
Address: Screening venue will be made available on purchase of the tickets, singles party @ Punk, 14 Soho St, W1D 3DN

To purchase tickets please visit www.meddlersofhonour.com (Equal numbers of male and female tickets are sold prior to the event and are priced at only £5 - £7)

For more info on Meddlers of Honour check the website at www.meddlersofhonour.com

For more information on 500 Days of Summer please visit:www.foxsearchlight.com/500daysofsummer/
by filmgrouplondon.com

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