FREE Film Mystery Film Screening
Robot Butler Productions is holding fund-raising events for its shortcoming short Marty (Unplugged), the first of which will be a FREE Film Mystery Film Screening @ Camden Eye, 2 Kentish Town Road at 7pm Wednesday 7th Oct and Thursday 8th Oct.
The event starts at 7, there will be a film, music and presentations from the film Producer and Director. Entry is free and all donations will be more than welcome, it promises to be a great night.
If you are interested in attending this or event or would like to know more about the film please either call 07941 283 468 (ask for Luke) or email or visit our facebook group;
The event starts at 7, there will be a film, music and presentations from the film Producer and Director. Entry is free and all donations will be more than welcome, it promises to be a great night.
If you are interested in attending this or event or would like to know more about the film please either call 07941 283 468 (ask for Luke) or email or visit our facebook group;
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